The #1 Hormone-Healing Tool You Didn’t Know You Needed


I used to swear by functional lab testing. Stool tests, hair mineral analysis, food sensitivity testing - you name it, I was using it to help my clients and I was running them on myself.

Now - after several years of experience with them - I’m here to say I think their value is way overblown.

It’s not that I think they’re useless. They can be helpful sometimes. But, they are *wildly* expensive. And, 98% of the time, you can get to the core of your symptoms with a much simpler (more affordable) approach.

So now I think we should at least try the simple approach first. And, save any of the complicated pricey options as a last resort (honestly…I’m willing to bet you won’t need them at all).

Heal Smarter, Not Harder.

That’s the motto I think we should all run with.

So, how can you make healing your hormones less hard?

Well, one way to do it is with a simple tool:

The glucometer.

Why A Glucometer is The #1 Hormone-Healing Tool You Didn’t Know You Needed…Until Now

#1: They Can Help You Optimize Your Health (Glucometers Aren’t Just for Diabetes)

Blood sugar is on a spectrum. It ranges from optimal (i.e. the healthiest) all the way to official Diabetes (the most extreme manifestation of blood sugar imbalances).

But, in between those two ends of the spectrum, we can have suboptimal levels. Sometimes referred to as ‘nondiabetic hyperglycemia’. Meaning - your blood sugar is higher than what is ideal for your body, but it’s not bad enough to be considered full-blown diabetes. [1] [2] [3]

It may eventually lead to a diagnosis of prediabetes or diabetes, but it doesn’t always go that far.

Here’s the thing: even these seemingly mild imbalances in your blood sugar can have huge impacts on your overall health. 

If your blood sugar hormones are constantly working overtime because they’re trying to manage these suboptimal levels, that stress on your body eventually leaks over into essentially all areas of your health. [4] [5] [6] We dive deeper into the impact your blood sugar balance has on the rest of your body in this post: 3 Reasons You Need Balanced Blood Sugar to Optimize Your Hormones.

#2: Glucometers Provide Data About Your Hormones And Your Metabolism

Your hormones need a healthy metabolism to function properly. And, your metabolism relies on your hormones to do its job. It all comes full circle. You can’t have one without the other.

So, having a reliable way to check in on each of them can be incredibly helpful.

Luckily, your blood sugar response to food is a reflection of both your hormonal and metabolic health. [7] [8]

So, you get a ton of wildly useful data about your overall well-being with each measurement you take.

Definitely fits into the Heal Smarter, Not Harder category (file it under the ‘efficiency’ tab).

#3: A Glucometer Can Help You Tailor Your Food to Exactly What Your Body Needs

The data you collect by measuring your blood sugar not only tells you how your hormones and metabolism are doing - it also helps you see how these essential areas of your health are responding to the specific foods that you’re eating.

And, you can use that info to make real food adjustments based on what your unique body needs. It takes a lot of the guesswork out of the process.

For example, maybe your hormones and metabolism LOVE blueberries, but they don’t feel so hot when you eat bananas. Your blood sugar can tell you that.

Or, maybe your hormones thrive and you feel the most energetic when you eat an omelet for breakfast, but you crash and burn when you have something sweet first thing in the morning.

Using a glucometer to measure your blood sugar response to different meals can help you see these patterns and make the adjustments that your body needs.

No need to blindly follow someone else’s meal plan ever again.

#4: Glucometers Provide Invaluable Data, But They’re Not Super Complicated

This is one ‘lab test’ that you don’t actually need a laboratory or a healthcare practitioner to interpret.

You can learn to use this tool all on your own by learning a simple set of rules. And, changing the way you eat so your blood sugar is consistently falling into the optimal range.

Plus, learning to use a glucometer allows you to have an endless amount of easy-to-understand data about your body at your fingertips. And, that’s one giant leap towards the bodily autonomy that you crave.

#5: Your Glucometer is A Helpful Tool You Can Use For The Rest of Your Life

As you age, your body is going to change. And, so will your hormones.

That means that what you need to eat to be the healthiest version of you is going to change, too.

In other words: there is no one perfect way to eat - there’s just what works well for you right now.

We go through so many hormonal shifts during our lives. From puberty to pregnancy and/or breastfeeding, to menopause. Not to mention the various stressors you can experience that might change what your body needs at the drop of a hat.

And, a glucometer can help you see what your hormones and metabolism need regardless of what season of life you are in. As your needs change, your blood sugar response changes, too. And, you can use that info to shift how you support your body with food.

So, understanding how to use a glucometer will not only help you optimize your health right now, it will come in handy for the rest of your life.

How many lab tests do you know of that can do that?

A glucometer is the #1 Hormone-Healing Tool because it’s simple to use, efficient, and empowers you to take an individualized approach to your nutrition no matter where life takes you.

Here’s a Quick FAQ: Which Glucometer Should You Use?

There’s really no right or wrong answer here. I usually suggest choosing the least expensive option you can find. Because truthfully, any basic glucometer can give you the data you need to start healing yourself.

Looking forward to watching you thrive,


What Are The Top 10 Signs of Blood Sugar Imbalances?


3 Reasons You Need Balanced Blood Sugar to Optimize Your Hormones